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任何工作场所都可能发生事故,事故经常导致员工受伤和生病. 这些事件可能对雇主和员工造成严重后果. That’s why almost every state prescribes certain statutory benefits for injured and ill 员工 and requires organizations to have workers’ compensation insurance. The primary insurance agreement provided by such coverage helps reimburse 员工’ medical bills, 康复费用, 工资损失,在严重的情况下,因职业病导致的死亡抚恤金, but it’s important to note that organizations may face other exposures related to workplace accidents.

具体地说, 员工, their loved ones and other third parties may file costly lawsuits against organizations to recoup injury- or illness-related losses that extend beyond the benefits provided by workers’ compensation insurance. 在这些情况下,企业有雇主责任保险是至关重要的. This is a separate insurance agreement that can offer financial protection for organizations’ legal liabilities and damages stemming from occupational injuries and illnesses that fall outside the scope of applicable workers’ compensation requirements.

This article provides more information on employers’ liability insurance and outlines key coverage benefits.


对于大多数组织来说, 雇主责任保险包括在他们的工人赔偿政策中. 然而,有些州(例如.e., 北达科他, 俄亥俄州, 华盛顿州和怀俄明州)通过州基金提供工人补偿保险. 在这些地方有业务的组织, 也被称为垄断国家, 可否购买独立雇主责任保险, 有时被称为权宜之计保险.

除德克萨斯州外,每个州目前都有自己的工人赔偿立法, which requires organizations to purchase varying levels of coverage that offer certain financial and medical benefits to 员工 who experience injuries or illnesses due to accidents on the job. Part one of workers’ compensation insurance can help pay statutory benefits to injured and ill 员工; commonly deemed part two of workers’ compensation insurance, 雇主责任保险可以报销组织的各种法律费用(如.g., 国防费用, settlements and judgments) arising from accident-related lawsuits that aren’t protected under state legislation. 承保索赔的例子包括:

  • 第三方诉讼-有时,雇员的职业伤害或疾病与第三方有关. 在这些情况下,雇员可以首先起诉造成事故的第三方. However, the third party may respond by suing the employer and holding them liable for the event. 例如, if a construction employee gets injured after using a hammer at work and files a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the hammer for playing a role in the accident, the manufacturer may then take legal action against the employer for failing to maintain the hammer, 最终让他们负责. 这类索赔, 也被称为第三方诉讼, 是否有可能获得雇主责任保险.
  • Dual-capacity诉讼除了第三方诉讼之外, employers’ liability insurance may provide protection for claims in which an employer is sued in multiple capacities, 经常被认为是双重行为能力诉讼. These lawsuits involve an organization being sued by an employee both as their employer and under a secondary relationship (e.g.(供应商、服务提供者或业主). 例如, if an employer supplies products that their staff use during work tasks and one of these products ends up injuring an employee, 雇员可能会对雇主和产品供应商采取法律行动, 导致两起针对同一当事人的诉讼.
  • 间接的伤害—This coverage may also apply to lawsuits in which an injured or ill employee’s spouse or another close family member sues the employer for injuries they sustain in response to the employee’s occupational ailment, 通常称为间接伤害. 例如,如果一名员工遭受了危及生命的伤害(e.g., 在工作中头部受到打击,这种压力事件会导致他们的配偶心脏病发作, 配偶可以起诉雇主要求相关损害赔偿.
  • 联营损失—If a workplace accident results in an employee’s death or leaves them with life-altering injuries (e.g., permanent nerve damage) that keep them from being able to work or fulfill their usual obligations, 雇员的配偶或其他近亲可以起诉雇主玩忽职守. 这类索赔, 有时被称为财团诉讼的损失, 是否有可能获得雇主责任保险.

有一些与事故有关的索赔不包括在雇主责任保险之内. 以下是常见的承保范围:

  • Claims involving statutory obligations that would be covered under state or federal requirements (e.g.、劳工补偿、失业补偿及伤残津贴)
  • 因合同规定的伤害和疾病相关责任而引起的诉讼
  • 涉及犯罪行为的索赔, 欺诈, 非法利润或利益, 故意违反州或联邦法律, 以及相关的罚款和处罚
  • 因雇用不当而引起的诉讼.g.(歧视、骚扰、未能晋升或雇用、以及不正当解雇)
  • Claims involving 员工 who reside or accidents and subsequent injuries or illnesses that occur outside of the United States or Canada
  • 因裁员引起的诉讼, 裁员, 组织结构调整, 以及兼并和收购

Employers’ liability insurance often comes with three separate coverage limits: a limit per workplace accident (regardless of how many 员工 are affected), 每次受伤或生病的限额(不管有多少员工患病), 每个员工都有限制. 例如, 一个组织可能有500美元,每宗事故的限额为1万英镑, a $250,每一种伤害或疾病的限额为000英镑, 还有100美元,每名员工的限额为000英镑. 组织需要的覆盖范围将根据其规模而变化, 行业, 操作和特定的工作场所安全暴露. Organizations can consult trusted insurance professionals to determine sufficient employers’ liability insurance limits.


雇主责任保险可以在许多方面帮助企业. 一些主要的保险福利包括:

  • 金融稳定—Employers’ liability insurance can help organizations prevent costly litigation from wreaking havoc on their finances. 因为与事故相关的诉讼可能会带来巨大的损失, 在这些事件中保持金融稳定至关重要.
  • 增强合规性和可信度—Since most states require organizations to have workers’ compensation insurance and employers’ liability insurance is often included with this coverage, 拥有这样的策略可以帮助组织遵守适用的法规. It’s also worth noting that stakeholders are more likely to trust organizations with appropriate risk management and loss control measures, 包括稳健的保险投资组合. 通过确保雇主的责任保险, organizations can demonstrate to their stakeholders that they are committed to protecting these individuals as well as their own operations against accident-related losses.
  • 安心—Employers’ liability insurance can help ease stress regarding the risk of workplace accidents and associated legal liabilities and damages. 同时采用适当的员工安全规程, 购买这种保险可以让你最终安心, equipping organizations with the resources and protection needed to navigate even the most difficult accident-related scenarios.


Employers’ liability insurance can make all the difference in helping organizations stay resilient amid workplace accidents and reduce the fallout of associated lawsuits. 通过审查该覆盖提供的保护并考虑其主要好处, 组织可以根据自己的独特需求定制雇主责任保险.


This 覆盖的见解 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应联系法律顾问或保险专业人士以获得适当的建议. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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